How to Save Money Shopping Online
Shop better, shop smarter, and save money.
We delve into many types of online shopping to help you understand how to research products, find deals, and decide on what method of purchasing products online is best for you. Across 100 minutes of video content, we set out to turn you into a savvier shopper. Shop online smarter and save yourself money.
The course is split up into 3 sections for you to learn at your own pace
- Shopping Techniques and Strategies
- Shopping Sites - Introduced and Explained
- Case Study Demonstration
Your Instructor
My philosophy in information technology and learning in general is that video learning is the best way to learn for yourself. I can provide the videos but it's up to you as my student to absorb and practice the information to become a more educated and skilled person.
If you want to get a taste of my approach to education and tutorial series, you can find me on my YouTube tutorial channel Chris' Tutorials.
Course Curriculum
StartCamelCamelCamel & Price Watching (8:59)
StartAmazon - Wish List, 3rd Party Sellers, and Lightning Gold Box Deals (12:32)
StartCheapAssGamer - Forum Community and Video Game Deals (3:39)
- - Deal Websites and Community Voting (4:38)
StartCraigslist - Buying from Individuals Directly (5:44)
StarteBay - Online Auctions (8:48)
StartHumble Bundle and Groupees - Bundle Websites (5:27)
StartWhat's Out There? (4:53)